
crossing field

Lately been hearing this song often thanks to Sword Art Online. Obviously there are videos of playing the song themselves. These two are one of the few I really enjoyed

Extra: I couldn't not post this. Maybe cause I've never seen one drawing with dual pencils. Really an interesting watch

BRS anime vs BRS the game

The song that started it all. Animation seems to be handled by ORDET


NO SCARED by ONE OK ROCK. Opening animation by ufotable


Uber busy with games

Taking a break from Diablo 3. Can't say I liked patch 1.03. Playing Persona 4 The Golden on Vita, Ciel nosurge on Vita. There's Fate/Extra that needs finishing. Bought Akiba's Trip Plus and K-ON Houkago Live HD Ver for the PS3. Just tried Phantasy Star Online 2 Open Beta a little while ago and it wasn't that bad. Plays better than the PSP versions for now

Persona 4 The Golden: http://p-atlus.jp/p4g/
Akiba's Trip: http://akbstrip.jp/
K-ON Houkago Live HD ver: http://k-on.sega.jp/hd_ver.html
Phantasy Star Online 2: http://pso2.jp/

LOL, didn't realize that the games I'm usually playing are japanese


The Crawling Chaos, Nyaruko

Been busy with mostly games. Anime series to watch have been piling up. Games have been piling up. Diablo 3 has control over my life and only Nyaruko managed to get some free time 
A mind control song of sorts. Just looping it over and over again. Show's pretty amusing too. Since America comes out with new remakes of Alice in Wonderland, Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood, Japan decides to make an anime series using HP Lovecraft's works, Nyarlathotep being the main character of Haiyore! Nyaruko-san. So far, we've seen names from the Cthulhu Mythos like R'yleh, Cthugha, Hastur. ONce I get more free time I gotta watch Accel World and get my Kuroyuki-hime fix


第2次スーパーロボット大戦Z 再世篇

No Aniki, you can't stack  熱血 (hotblood) and 魂 (soul) together. It doesn't work anymore lol

Code Geass R2- O2 as BGM. Gurren Lagann gets Happily Ever After as BGM. Setsuko and Rand as playable units? Awesome


7th Dragon 2020 review

Personally I didn't find the game bad at all. Rather I enjoyed it a lot, more than Senjou no Valkyria 3 Extra Edition. Simple graphics, lack of voices except the operator calling your team during the story. Voices are usually heard during battles. Simply put, you've been summoned for an entrance exam as a demon/ monster hunter. After passing the test, dragons appear out of nowhere and take over the world in a short time span. You wake up 1 month later and are tasked with taking back Tocho. After that it's Murakumo's Counter-attack and taking over nearby areas like Shinjuku and kicking all 7 dragon bosses from Japan
10 character avatars, 5 guys and 5 girls. 5 playable classes: Samurai, Trickster, Destroyer, Psychic and Hacker. Samurai is a decent all rounder unit, moves for single and multiple enemies, self heal and buffs. A unique feature is the ability to switch between Battou and Iai. Battou is more of a general stance, targetting multiple units, bleeding and aerial units. Iai skills are singular attacks, that debuff, deal elemental damage, and are more suited for boss fights. Trickster can use either short sword/daggers or guns. Dagger focus on dealing status effects and critical, guns are more for damage and aerial units. Destroyers are a countering tank type units. Able to build up destroy gauge then dealing high damage and debuffing enemy attack and defense. Psychics are mages and healers rolled up in 1 package. Elemental spells, healing, curing status effects, revive. Hackers are buffers/debuffers with some healing over time abilities. Increasing attack, defense, regen life, and hacking into enemies to debuff their stats. 15 voices for each gender and all are rather well-known and popular. Finally there's Diva Mode, where after rescuing Hatsune Miku and building the Diva room, you're able to change all music into songs that Miku will sing. Changes the whole mood of the game, seriously

 Probably the best part of the game. The seiyuus that voice the characters. First up the female voices. From top to botttom:
Mizuki Nana
Sawashiro Miyuki
Horie Yui
Toyosaki Aki
Tamura Yukari
Kuwashima Houko

 Satou Rina
Taketasu Ayana
Hikasa Youko
Chihara Minori
Tanaka Rie
Katou Emiri

 Chihara Minori, Tanaka Rie and Katou Emiri again
Yuuki Aoi
Toyoguchi Megumi
You could make a K-ON team, NanahaXFate combo, team Madoka duo

 Guys time
Lelouch... uh I mean Fukuyama Jun
Sugita Tomokazu
Nagai Kazuya
Sakurai Takahiro
Ono Daisuke
Okamoto Nobuhiro

 Nakamura Yuuichi
Shimono Hiro
Miki Shinichiro
Abe Atsushi
Kamiya Hiroshi
Ekawa Hisao

 Abe Atsushi, Kamiya Hiroshi, Ekawa Hisao once more 
Kuroda Takaya
Ishida Akira
Takeuchi Ryouta
How bout Lelouch and Suzaku (the voices are said in a similar way)? Imagine Breaker and Accelerator? Kyon and Itsuki lol 

The party I've been using from the start up to now. From left to right, my loli Samurai (CV: Mizuki Nana), hyper-active Destroyer (CV: Toyosaki Aki) and the queen-type personality (CV: Sawashiro Miyuki) 
After almost a week of playing, I'm near the end of the secret dungeon. Game is probably a little on the short end, probably 50 hours max after completing the secret dungeon, unless your choose to reincarnate, lose 1/2 the level but gain a bonus to a stat depending on lvl and class. Definately enjoying more than I expected


PS3 Gundam UC

Gameplay looks prety awesome, better than ACE:R perhaps?


5th Anime Grand Prix for Japan

The singing level of these young girls are amazing. They sound like professional singers


第二次スーパーロボット大戦Z再世篇 PV1

Geass R2 and 00 2nd season looks pretty good


The next Ar Tonelico - Ciel no surge

Release date is 26th April for the Playstation Vita. Seem to be the first game of the Surge Concerto series. From the pictures released, its very obvious the towns look like those in Ar Tonelico. It's the same art style. Tsuchiya Akira ( director for the Ar Tonelico series) is director for this game apparently. Here's hoping that Shikata Akiko and Shimotsuki Haruka get chosen to do the vocal songs for this game


Asura's Wrath Demo up on PSN!

One word: Pure Awesomeness!
Demo has episode 5 and episode 11 playable. 5 is the fight against Wyzen which the playable demo at TGS i think had. Fighting against the big Wyzen then the planet sized Wyzen. Episode 11 is the fight with Asura's master, Angus. A little on the short side but it gives a good impression on what the game will be. A must get for me


MIku-Miku ranks #11 at US best concerts of 2011?

Just saw this today at my Hatsune Miku news feed today and thought it was a funny joke. Ignoring the lack of knowledge the writer has regarding the whole vocaloid series (c'mon swapping genders? The different voices should be more than rather obvious) It's rather surprising Miku-Miku made it in considering her fanbase is pretty much limited to the fans.