
Was yea ra

So the language Hymmnos used in Ar Tonelico can be described as a language of emotions as the sentence structures all focuses on expressing feelings and emotions
Take for example, was yea ra. The first three words are Emotion Sounds.
(first word: degree) (second word: nature (third word: desirability)
The first word is describes the degree of the singer's emotion. The second word describes the emotions conveyed. The third word describes how desirable how singer finds the emotion
Was means very much
yea means happy
ra means I want this to continue
Overall, it can mean I wasnt this happiness to continue. Of course, the direct translation of the word and how the whole sentence is translated can be rather different
The link above is an english translated site of the Hymmnoserver that's orginally in japanese
Cover for the Animate.Gamers Limited Edition Box. I'd seriously like to get it

The Gust shop/Amazon Hymmnos Concert pack. The new design for the covers is really nice compared to previous Hymmnos Concert covers. There seems to be an emphasis on butterflies, will we find out why when we play the game?

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