
Again by YUI

Every once in awhile, there comes a song you hear that you can't get it out of your head. Whether it be annoyingly stupid where the chorus is just the same words that keeps repeating or a song that maybe when you hear, you go "hey nice song". Yes, its the latter for me, heard it on the J-Plus radio a few times and I took notice of this song. This song I learned was used in Full Metal Alchemist as the opening. Going through the lyrics, I feel it fits the series very well like it was written for the anime in particular. What? Song's too fast, can't say the words properly? Well, there's the fun part trying to sing it

YUI's quite cool in this video, pretty too

This video is meant to counter Victor's only my railgun post XD


  1. "counter" だとう? なんと酷いのこと! 俺たち, 一緒に戦う仲間じゃないですか??

    Miharu! *sob *sob あのときの約束だなのか?

    あの優しいのMiharuわ 戻る!!!

    えとHave I said that before??

  2. Miharu? Since when did I become a female... Promise? That memory is a lie. I heard that many times already

  3. Hey the name's nice! It is quite close to yours. Come on, a lot of japanese names is unisex, Hikaru, Kaoru......etc... I've just seen one anime with a guy-Miharu in it.
