

About 1 week playing this game and this game is captivating in many ways. First thing is the music, after some searching it's led by Okabe Keiichi and the vocalist is done by Emi Evans. http://www.originalsoundversion.com/?p=9629 According to the interview with her, 8 languages were used in the game. Wow! Yea, music is what I consider the best part about Nier.
Second I'd say would be the story. You see Nier has 2 versions, Nier Gestalt and Nier RepliCant. Difference being Gestalt being the english one where you play Yonah's father as apposed to RepliCant where you take the role of Yonah's brother. RepliCant is also a japan-only release so story-wise you'll just get some minor tweeks but overall the experience is the same. So anyway, you play a dad, with white hair and wrinkles and all. The man does anything to give his sick Yonah a better life, as well as find a cure. Along the way, shit happens and he's got to rescue his daughter back. You fight shades and level up, do quests and get materials, go fishing just like every other "game" out there.
My personal favourite character would have to be Grimoire Weiss, other than Kaine and her foul mouthed cursing. His comments are rather amusing to listen. Game also has 4 endings, second playthrough onwards, you get to learn more details that were not explained and etc. I enjoyed this game and would certainly recommend it

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