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Some news from 2chan

Saten and the teleporting hentai girl. Alter's Saten looks like it's going to be decent
Upcoming Nendroids. The Black Rock Shooter and Dead Master look kinda cute.

The faces behind the voices of the K-ON girls

Super Robot Wars Original Generations 2nd Season. Well, assuming they plot follows the game, the enemies will be the Inspectors, Shadow Mirrors and Einst. Point to note: Animated Daizengar! and Lamia. Here's to hoping Lamia doesn't use Angelg all the way and switches to Vaisaga

Love Plus Arcade?? Huh, how's it going to work when it hits japanese arcades?

OOO, live 2d that sounds good. Seamless movement, changes in expressions and voice. Soon, the singles who give up on finding girlfriends will spend all their time trying to date anime game girls

I salute the number of hours spent doing doing this. But if it follows that memorable scene in 0079, the head and left arm shouldn't be there

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