
New Games!

WooHoo! New Alicesoft game. Daiteikoku from the name should follow in the footsteps on Daiakuji and Daibanchou. Release date is currently April 28 if I remember it correctly

Dissdia 012. Playable Yuna lol

SRW Z 2? For PSP? GURREN LAGANN??? Gundam 00 and Code Geass? Ah man, no Full Metal Panic for a console version? I think FMP will fit well with Geass, like what happended in Another Century's Episode R. The big question is how BROKEN will Gurren be? Can you use SP for the sub pilots?
Sangoku Musou 7 screens. I think it shouldn't do that badly... sales-wise

Sangoku Musou 7's Sun Shang Xiang. Hmm, can't say whether I like the new design or not, but I think it's better than her costume in 6

Sangoku Musou 7's Yue Ying. Back to the using the spear/haldberd. Can't say I like the new design

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