
7th Dragon 2020 Seiyuu Listing

According to 4gamer, there will be a total of 30 seiyuus voicing the characters, a rather high profile and famous cast I must say. As Gundam Seed's Dearka would put it: "Greato!"


The names I can recognise, off the bat that is:
Abe Atsushi, Ishida Akira, Ono Daisuke, Kamiya Hiroshi, Sakurai Takahiro, Sugita Tomokazu, Nakai Kazuya, Fukuyama Jun, Shichirou Miki, Kuwashima Houko, Satou Rina, Sawashiro Miyuki, Taketatsu Ayana, Tanaka Rie, Tamura Yukari, Chihara Minori, Toyoguchi Megumi, Toyosaki Aki, Hikasa Youko, Horie Yui, Mizuki Nana, Yuuki Aoi and Yukana

Now if you're free enough to check their profiles and faces, you'll notice that a good majority (every female seiyuu in there) all look pretty good. But wow, I think I like every female seiyuu found in the list, especially Sawashiro, Satou and Mizuki. I thought about getting the game but this new info is an extra bonus

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