
Suara updates her blog

So she did more songs than what was listed on the pamplet. Not that I'm complaining. I'm hoping she would come back and perform again in Singapore
The picture of Suara on the plane was interesting. A new form of cosplay mask?


ACME III after thoughts - Suara performance

Suara's performance took place inside the Suntec Meeting Room 325-326. Seat was B-15. 2nd row from the front with a great view to see Suara live in the flesh. The list of songs she performed

Performance set list
Akai Ito
Mai Ochiru Yuki no You ni
Powder Snow
Free and Dream
haunting melody
Hikari no Kisetsu
Kimi ga Tame
adamant faith
 Encore: Musouka

Well her voice for one, didn't disappoint. I was just happy to hear her perform live. I'd say the songs that I enjoyed the most were Kimi ga Tame and Seiza. Strange that Kimi ga Tame and Ichibanboushi wasn't listed in the pamphlet. Her MC was interesting as she talked about her arrival in Singapore, the places she visited, that she was touched by how many turned up to watch her sing and proceeded to cry a few tears of joy (quite visible times when looking at her eyes considering how close I was sitting). The best part? She said she'll come back and perform again in Singapore. Wahoo!!! A likely candidate for a future AFA performance? After singing Friends, she came back after our incessant "ENCORE" screaming and sang Musouka again. Only this time, the crowd sang along with her and she came down the stage and walked around the room. Afterwards, Suara was seen busy taking photographs outside the meeting room. Hell, she was game to take photos with everyone until the crowd dispersed. How's that for fanservice? Uh no, not that fanservice but I was touched with how she treated her fans. The autograph and handshake session, the encore part where she walked near us while singing, and the "photo-taking" session. Before I was just someone who enjoyed her voice, now I'm a fan of her voice, with a new found respect for her as a person and a singer. It was a good $120 spent and I thank the staff and people who made this possible
Eh, I'll probably get the post of attending STGCC and the Itou Shizuka event up soon as well as pictures from STGCC and ACME III. A picture taken with Suara as well as getting her autograph is priceless in my book, as a collector of sorts and a fan. MUHAHAHA, I think I'm still a little high so I'll stop here


ACME III on-site updates

Chara Fest was really terrible this year. I probably waited close to 3 hours before it was my turn. The BRS bag set and Shining Wind stationery set were already sold out. Just got the Shining Wind 3D mousepads. On the other hand, I got the Kanna C80 bag set and a bunch of doujins. The autograph and handshake session with Suara is currently still in session. The best part of my day was the autograph by Kanna and Suara. Of course, a handshake with Suara in person is a once in a lifetime chance. She's really more gorgeous in person than I expected. Probably about 20-30 odd people queued up. Looking forward to the performance.
 Here's me signing off 



A flustered Toyasaki Aki. For fans i guess... Victor, you watching this?

Shoko-tan 3 sizes... Not to be taken seriously, because it's done while she's wearing clothes


AFA11 updates + STGCC

LiSA, FLOW, May'n and Mizuki Ichirou are coming to AFA this year. Buchou and Aniki came back as expected but I didn't expect FLOW. I recall them coming over perform in Singapore though. LiSA is well a dream come true for me, after the Angel Beats and Girls Dead Monster fever 
Regarding STGCC this weekend, I think I'll just check the Itou Shizuka section and be done with it


Final Fantasy Zero Shiki

So the Zero Shiki/Type 0 demo came out last Thursday, which I promptly downloaded off the Japanese PSN when I came home. As usual, the graphics are beautiful but the in-game polygons leave much to be desired. Now the demo feels like an improved Crisis Core with some changes

1. The ability to summon and unsummon weapons affects healing speed. HP is healed when characters stand around. Beats using cure magic or potions
2. MP can be restored from absorbing dead enemies. You gain colored Fantomas based on the final hit the enemy takes which can be used to upgrade your magic (more damage, less mp cost, faster casting etc) through the Altocrystarium menu. Another way is taking ether related potions
3. Kill Sight and Break Sight. A kind of Issen system from Onimusha where when damage is dealt before the enemy hits or when it's attack leaves it wide open, you deal major damage. A yellow (break sight) or red (kill sight) targeting icon will appear when the timing is right. Only possible when locked on to enemies
4. Special order. Tasks/trials that show up during missions. Some can be hard and rather annoying to do. It can range from not getting hit during the time limit, surving to x minutes, killing x enemies, do x kill sights. The good thing is that you can get items and buffs from completing it. Fail and your character dies
5. Summons. Sacrificing your character allows you to use your summon. Demo only allows Golem and Shiva. Having high HP and damage, they make the fights easy, but are only able to fight during a specified time. Only 40 seconds for you to get Shiva to freeze and dance your way while eliminating your enemies. EXP is only gained while summons kill things. Confirmed summons are Ifrit, Golem, Odin and Shiva
6. The team of Class Zero playable. The demo has 7 playable characters: Ace, Queen, Nine, Sice, King, Rem and Machina. Each character plays and fight differently, with their own skill tree abilities

 I'm usually using Rem or Ace mostly, Rem's high magic ability makes taking out the robots a piece of cake. One of the main highlights of the demo is the ability to collect the summer outfits of the playable cast. I've collected 14 costumes that can be used in the main game once it comes out. Now the worst thing about this game without a doubt that many will agree with me, the camera angle need work. Not the normal camera angle but when your locked on and fighting a big enemy. Not seeing the floor and the area around you, you usually trying to evade evade out of harms way only to find yourself moving to a corner. 50% of my deaths are from the lock on camera. Word is the staff knows about it and are improving it for the game. Without that it's a pretty engaging game. War does make games big scale, but students at a magic academy fighting back against an empire that uses technology. From what I've seen, it looks like the country of Suzaku (where the crystal of Suzaku [magic] is housed) is getting beaten up pretty bad, only Class Zero is able to fend off against the enemy

Ace and Rem in their new costumes. Instead of the black, red and gold shoulders on their uniforms, the new one is black and white. i think I'm done with the demo now, all chars at lvl 20 (Rem, Ace and Queen at 24) Shiva at lvl 24, all skills that can be unlocked learned, about 20k gil. Now back to Queen's Gate i suppose. Darn, Chou Jigen game Neptune Mk2/ Hyper Dimension Neptune MK2 is coming out next week, with Black * Rock Shooter The Game coming out the week after


Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos

Queen's Gate is a cross-over game of sorts, with girls like Mai from King of Fighters, Iroha, Mina and Cham Cham from Samurai Spirits, Moetan, Tekken's Lili, Guilty Gear's Dizzy, Blazblue's Noel and so on. 
The game improves on Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos by making the previous game's fighters playable and adding changes that mostly benefit male gamers and Jan. Since there are now so many characters, you're now able to select your party members. Currently at stage 13 or so, my team consists of mostly the Gate members: Alice, Maron, Mai, Dizzy, Iroha, Alleyne, Cham Cham, Lili and Ymir, Jan and Melpha for healing and support. Dizzy is literally a monster, with god class attack she kills and breaks armor parts and stripping female enemies with ease, but her defense, evasion and hit rate are rather poor. Iroha and Mai being the ninja type girls, they evade well and hit decently enough, Alleyne's stats are pretty high that she can take and deal damage while trying avoid attacks. I'm having more fun with this than I did with Queen's Blade
The Destiny Punish system/Heartbreak is really for perverts lol. By getting more Perfect Knock Outs, you get to upgrade a bracelet that can squirt colored liquid (green, red and white) when you get a succesful heartbreak. I suppose some people get  kick out of seeing their favorite Queen's Blade/Gate covered in white fluid and in torn clothes or broken armor


Busy months

Bought the VIP seat tickets for Suara's performance at ACME III. You get an autograph/ handshake session, tote bag, light stick, a free single, a souvenir and concert pamphlet. Couldn't resist it
During september there's the Scandal Asia Tour 2011 at the Lasalle College of the Fine Arts. While it was meant to be only on the 16th, a new show was recently added for the 17th. Being the fan I was, I bought the $90 tickets on Saturday
ACME III, STGCC (for Kishida Mel and seiyuu Itou Shizuka only), AFA 11, and that's not including games like Black * Rock Shooter, Tales of Xillia and Idolm@ster 2. Guess I'll be busy now with Catherine, Queen's Gate and subsequent playthroughs of Dragon Age and Dragon Age 2 for the PS3 trophies