
Scandal autograph session

Internet connection has been down since yesterday night. Got d/c while playing Dragon Nest. Had to switch to Tales of Xillia
Yesterday at 313's HMV, there was a Scandal autograph session at 7-8pm. Queue was longer than I expected. However I did manage to get a few shots with my weak hp camera. Been raging that night since I couldn't get a nice shot of Rina. Getting to see the girls up close, hearing them say thank you and getting tgeir autographs was more than enough reward for me. Still pissed about not getting a Rina shot. Chances are internet will still be down when I get back due to tomorrow's fibre optic cable upgrading
Tonight and tomorrow, Scandal will be performing at the Lasalle College of the Arts. Looking forward to it


Dragon Nest SEA

Been playing Dragon Nest SEA for a few weeks now, although it's now currently in beta. Mostly using my lvl 24 acrobat but have a lvl 24 priest for Minotaur Nest runs. Since Gay Tat was the one who said to play it, we're usually together. What I didn't expect was that another friend of mine, Derrick also started playing recently. Since the level cap is 24, there's not much to do other than farm for items and do nest runs

This video was the main reason why I chose to use a acrobat


Spoils of ACME III

The eco bag that I got from buying the C80 bag set. Neko Fate is so adorable

The most expensive item I bought ar ACME. A Fate Testarossa tapestry drawn by Kanna. A rather beautiful tapestry if you ask me. The cloth material is fine and smooth. What's more it's of Fate, it's a little expensive at $120 but worth paying for it in my book

 My main reason for buying the C80 bag set. An autograph of Kanna together with a beautifully drawn picture of Fate Testarrosa. Priceless in my book, I'm gonna frame it up eventually. What's with all the Fate related items I wonder... Fate is an extremely popular character

My autographed Akai Ito CD signed by Suara herself. Probably my only other CD signed by a known singer. The other being Shoko-tan