
Spoils of ACME III

The eco bag that I got from buying the C80 bag set. Neko Fate is so adorable

The most expensive item I bought ar ACME. A Fate Testarossa tapestry drawn by Kanna. A rather beautiful tapestry if you ask me. The cloth material is fine and smooth. What's more it's of Fate, it's a little expensive at $120 but worth paying for it in my book

 My main reason for buying the C80 bag set. An autograph of Kanna together with a beautifully drawn picture of Fate Testarrosa. Priceless in my book, I'm gonna frame it up eventually. What's with all the Fate related items I wonder... Fate is an extremely popular character

My autographed Akai Ito CD signed by Suara herself. Probably my only other CD signed by a known singer. The other being Shoko-tan

1 comment:

  1. スペルだ(spelling mistake :)、Miharu..

    Probably my only other CD signed by a known "CD".
