
Ar Tonelico 3 Hymmnos Concert

Ar Tonelico 3 Seikai Syuuen no Hikigane wa Shoujo no Uta wa Hiku Original Soundtrack
Opening song is Utau Oka~Harmonics Tilia~ . Then there's a best mix of EXEC_HYMME_BATTLESPHERE/.#Saki extracting. and EXEC_HYMME_BATTLESPHERE/.#Finnel extracting

Ar Tonelico III hymmnos concert side. Red
Shimotsuki Haruka and 7 other vocalists if I didn't read wrong

Ar Tonelico III hymmnos concert side.Blue
Let's see, we have awesome Shikata Akiko, healing vocalist KOKIA and Ueon Youko
Release Date is January 27 2010
Seriously, this is a MUST GET for AT fans. The extra vocalists is a strange move and I don't see Mitose Noriko and Ishibashi Yuko's name mentioned anywhere

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