
Touhou Pocket Wars Evo

Title Screen. Kawaii yo~Reimu. Kawaii yo~ Sanae. Reimu was also pretty sexy in the previous Touhou Pocket Wars

Finally after much swearing and cursing (and spewing vulgarities), I got a Mima Gashapon and Mima's lierally a long range beast. Her Ultimate Spark is a little overpowered but hey, she's one of the most powerful characters in Gensokyo. Now Mima is ready to take her place as my main offensive nuker (Yuka, the green girl in bondage is still currently my main unit). As usual, Reimu's dmg output is still rather lacking, as is Iku, Tenshi and some others. The new Evo characters are pretty good overall. The ones that really stand out are Yuka, Yukari's shikigamis, Nitori, Kaguya and her Lunarina lackeys Eirin and Reisen. All there's left is opening the Reform option for everyone, getting all the avatar costumes and equipment and reforming till I get sick of it


  1. Please, how can I get Mima?

  2. Mima should show up at the Hakurei Shrine after defeating her in the story mode. Talk to her and choose the 魅魔様参上 to fight with her. Defeat her and you can try to buy her from the heroine gashapon. If she doesn't show up you can save at night, sleep then go to the shrine first thing in the morning. I heard the chances for Mima to show u are low

  3. so once you beat her you can get her at heroine gatch?

  4. Yes, although I recall the chances are pretty low, I had to do some buying and resetting before you get it
